I wouldn't, Olive oil is strong. It's best in very zesty dishes, such as pesto or pasta. Make somebody run to the neighbors and borrow some.Can u use olive oil for making cake cookies instead of vegetable oil?
I'm sure that you could, however, I wouldn't recommend it. Olive oil doesn't have all the ';fat'; needed to keeps things together and the taste might be a little different than what you may be used to.
NO. Olive oil has a definite taste and makes terrible baked goods. You could substitute corn oil, canola, safflower, just about any oil other then olive peanut ir coconut oil for vegetable oil
it will have a different taste. i wouldn't use extra virgin olive oil, it has the strongest taste. i extra light olive oil, will have less of the taste.
yeah, probably, i usually just use any type of oil, like canola or corn or anything when i bake.
Yes, just use a mildly-flavored one, not a strong extra-virgin variety.
Sure you can, it probably wont change the flavour very much....
Olive oil is not suited for baking sweets...it will give it an off taste.
use butter or margarine in place of veg oil...mayo will work as well
no but u can use butter or magreine something like that ( i ment the spelling) he he
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